Anxiety by Simik Komaksiutiksak with live audiodescription
Fri Jan 31, 2025

Call for spectators:
Live audio description of Anxiety by Simik Komaksiutiksak for blind and partially sighted people.

January 31, 2025: Danse-Cité and MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels) offer live audio description of Anxiety by Simik Komaksiutiksak for the blind and partially sighted.

Key information

  • Friday, January 31, 2025, 6-9:15pm

  • At MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels): 3680, rue Jeanne Mance, Montréal

  • Live audio description by Stéphanie Fromentin, Emmalie Ruest and Alida Esmail

  • Guides available

  • Price: $20. Free for accompanying persons

  • Please reserve before January 22, 2025 by contacting Maud at Danse-Cité, by phone at 514 525-3595 or by e-mail at


Anxiety delves into the history, personal narratives and current realities of Native and racialized communities. Directed by Simik Komaksiutiksak, artists Cheyenne LeGrande, Courtney Taticek, Chrystal Tam, Jontae McCrory and Katie Couchie use dance to highlight the transformative power of collaboration - its capacity to heal through creativity and trust.

In so doing, performance becomes a safe space for reflection and dialogue, making improvised movement a vehicle for exploring intergenerational trauma. Since the body is intrinsically linked to memory, anxiety can manifest itself in unique mannerisms; involuntary gestures and movements that reflect psychic and social realities. Examining it opens up new avenues, offering us an opportunity to question, reflect and relate to important issues.

The show is audio-described live by three new audio-descriptors trained by Danse-Cité: Alida Esmail, Stéphanie Fromentin and Emmalie Ruest. This will be a first for them.

For further information:

Event schedule

6:00 p.m. - Welcome for blind and partially sighted visitors
6:30 pm - Tactile tour and workshop led by audio describers
7:30 pm - Show with live audio description
8:15 pm - Conversation with the artists hosted by Camille Larrivée, including a review of the experience
9:15 pm - End of the event

Equipment required

Participants need a smartphone and a pair of headphones. Danse-Cité can provide smartphones for those who don't have one. Before you come, download the Sennheiser MobileConnect application: 

Our partners

Audiodescription is made possible by the support of indispensable partners: Maison Théâtre, TD | Promesse d’Agir, Fondation Mirella et Lino Saputo, CDPQ, Fondation Sandra et Alain Bouchard, Fondation Sibylla Hesse, The Whitearn Foundation, Fondation Cypihot Ouellette, Fonds Militaire pour les Enfants Aveugles

Source and contacts

Maud Mazo-Rothenbühler — Danse-Cité
Development and Communications Manager — 514 525-3595

Claudia Parent - MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels)
Director of Accessibility and Innovative Practices
514-982-1812 x231

About Danse-Cité

Since 1982, Danse-Cité has contributed to the evolution of dance practices and contemporary creation by supporting artists in research, creation, production and/or dissemination. Since 2021, Danse-Cité has been developing a dance audiodescription pole, a practice previously non-existent in Montreal, to offer French-speaking blind and semi-vision-impaired audiences adapted access to choreographic performances. 

À propos du MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels) 

MAI is an inclusive, pluricultural, pluridisciplinary presenter also operating an artist-driven mentorship program, and the conveyor of an annual community exchange/public development program entitled Public+.