Series of portraits and interviews
We invite you to discover the voices of those for whom the project exists. Sébastien, Myra and Patricia are one of the first spectators:
Video Sébastien © Nils Caneele + Credits
Video Myra © Nils Caneele + Credits
Vidéo Patricia © Nils Caneele + Crédits
‘The addition of audio description is an unquestionable innovation in making this type of artistic performance accessible! Personally, I enjoyed the whole show! I invite anyone with a visual impairment to try this option and venture into the world of dance! Come and support the creators and performers who offer original and accessible content!’
— David Trudel-Bergamo, partially sighted spectator
‘I was really impressed to have the opportunity to listen to descriptions throughout the show. I don't think I get to do that very often in different situations because the description of those around me lasts barely a few minutes. Describing is a skill that needs to be developed in order to verbalise and it was a real pleasure to listen to the voices and tones, which were very pleasant indeed. I appreciated the attention to detail in the movements, the closeness between people, the colours, the speed of the play and so on. It all interests me and inspires my imagination and my mental image.’
— Denise Beaudry, blind spectator
‘Thank you for your invitation and thank you for this wonderful project which has been an 'eye-opener' for me. It's now up to us to learn how to make the most of the next experiences, such as mastering our personal listening system. It's a great learning curve!’
— Jean-Claude Bardin, blind spectator
" C’est par le truchement de la nouvelle création du chorégraphe Alan Lake, L’effritement des parades, que l’audiodescription en direct pour les personnes partiellement ou totalement privées de la vue fera ses débuts au Canada, la semaine prochaine. " [...]
Lire : Le Devoir - Écouter pour voir (danser)
16 octobre 2021 | Léa Villalba - Article
Le Devoir - Écouter pour voir (danser)
" Trop souvent, les portes des théâtres sont fermées aux personnes avec des limitations auditives ou visuelles. Les services offerts pour favoriser leur accès à l’art vivant sont rarissimes. Mais la donne est en train de changer. [...] "
Lire : La Presse - Accueil des personnes avec des limitations visuelles et auditives. Le lent réveil des arts vivants.
22 avril 2023 | Stéphanie Morin — Article
Le lent réveil des arts vivants - La Presse 2023
Alain Renaud reçoit Maud Mazo-Rothenbühler de Danse-Cité. Depuis trois ans maintenant, Danse-Cité présente sur différentes scènes montréalaises, des performances de danses avec audiodescription.
Écouter : Mission Vision - Canal M
19 janvier 2024 | Alain Renaud — Entrevue
Informations to come.