April 2024, 13
Audiodescription: Etienne Lou
As part of the Danse-Cité programming.
At La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines
Duration : 70 minutes
Mōnad (from the ancient Greek monad, meaning “unit”) refers to the idea of a self-sufficient, unicellular organism containing multiple universes. Faithful to the choreographer and her company Ebnflōh’s persistent desire to investigate street dance practices, Mōnad is a vibrant consideration of the relationships in interrelated universes, questioning the notion of eternity. https://danse-cite.org/en/saison/Monad-Alexandra-Spicey-Lande
Audio excerpt
December 2023, 3
Audiodescription: Caroline Charbonneau
A Danse-Cité + Bouge de là project, in collaboration with Maison des arts de Laval.
At Maison des arts de Laval
Duration: 55 minutes
A surrealistic fantasy, GLITCH transports us to the mysterious basement of a deserted theatre. In this limitless playground where the protagonists and the elements are closely intertwined, GLITCH awakens the imagination and leads the spectator to question and embrace the unpredictable. https://bougedela.org/fr/creations/glitch/
Audio excerpt
September 2023, 28
Audiodescription: Enora Rivière
A collaboration Danse-Cité, Danse Danse + Ballets Jazz Montréal.
At Théâtre Maisonneuve, Place des Arts
Duration: 90 minutes
Past, present and future collide to mark the half-century of Ballets Jazz Montréal. Choreographers Ausia Jones, Crystal Pite and Aszure Barton create a sparkling programme entitled ESSENCE. https://www.bjmdanse.ca/essence
Audio excerpt
June 2023, 8
Audiodescription: Enora Rivière
A collaboration Danse-Cité + FTA - Festival TransAmériques.
At Usine C
Duration: 60 minutes
Encantado. In Brazil, the word means enchantment, wonder, a spell for healing the world. In the space of an hour, the legendary Lia Rodrigues choreographs a collective manifesto outlining nothing less than a new cosmology. The captivating scenes on stage are accompanied by the nurturing sounds of the Mbyá Guaraní people, in an outpouring of beauty and emotion. https://fta.ca/en/archive/encantado/
Audio excerpt
March 2023, 18
Audiodescription: Enora Rivière
A collaboration Danse-Cité + Nien Tzu Weng and Camille Lacelle-Wilsey + La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines.
At La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines
Duration: 120 minutes
On stage, Double Fantasy activates different scenic devices that explore the idea of gravity and its direct impact on choreography, inter-body relations and object manipulation. https://lachapelle.org/en/schedule/shes-late-a-circus-show-1
February 2023, 4
Audiodescription: Enora Rivière
A collaboration Danse-Cité + Danse Danse
At Théâtre Maisonneuve, Place des Arts
Duration: 55 minutes
Orchestrated from a soundtrack whose raw material is the breath of 12 dancers, «M» is the new opus by a choreographer of inexhaustible inspiration, an ode to life. https://www.mariechouinard.com/english/works/m/
Audio excerpt
November 2022, 6
Audiodescription: Caroline Charbonneau, Georges-Nicolas Tremblay
A collaboration Danse-Cité + Tangente
At Édifice Wilder - Espace Danse
Duration: 65 minutes
Transelucide - To the energizing rhythm of his breath, join him on his meditative solo and reap the therapeutic benefits of his medicine.
Kisiskâciwan - A creative return to the fast-flowing landscape of Saskatchewan, the robust and undulating land of Jeanette’s great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers, Kisiskâciwan is a journey to one’s self. It speaks through dance to a Métis cultural narrative of identity and home. https://tangentedanse.ca/en/event/mecdy-mystic-rootz-jeanette-kotowich/
September 2022, 25
Audiodescription: Enora Rivière
A Danse-Cité production and présentation
At Agora du Coeur des Sciences
Duration: 60 minutes
Winnie Ho dives into her estranged and distant relationship with Hong Kong, her birthplace, by moving through the complexities of her diaspora and her queerness. https://danse-cite.org/en/archive/awokening-winnie-ho
June 2022, 1
Audiodescription: Enora Rivière
A collaboration Danse-Cité + FTA - Festival TransAmériques
At Théâtre Rouge du Conservatoire
Duration: 60 minutes
Filled with infectious joy, the male quintet of L’homme rare, as orchestrated by the fiercely humane Nadia Beugré, takes delight in challenging a certain vision of the world. https://fta.ca/en/archive/lhomme-rare/
Audio excerpt
December 2021, 4
Audiodescription: Enora Rivière, Georges-Nicolas Tremblay
A collaboration Danse-Cité + MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels)
At MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels)
Duration: 55 minutes
Her first major solo work, Pomegranate, is the fragmented portrait of a life scarred by migration – the imagined journey of her own grandmother, born in China in 1895. Moving and poetic, this performance-homage takes the form of an intimate and introspective journey where past and present coexist. https://m-a-i.qc.ca/en/heather-mah/
Audio excerpt
October 2021, 23
Audiodescription: Letizia Binda-Partensky, Caroline Charbonneau, Enora Rivière, Georges-Nicolas Tremblay, supervised by Valérie Castan
A collaboration Danse-Cité + Danse Danse
At Cinquième Salle, Place des Arts
Duration: 70 minutes
Parades unfolds as a symbolist odyssey, where delirious imaginaries, eroded ambitions, and disillusioned ideals find their place. A voluptuous and exuberant dance evokes bacchanals, pagan rituals, and primitive ceremonies. https://alanlakefactorie.org/portfolio/leffritement-des-parades/
Audio excerpt