Corpuscule Danse
Dépaysement : les eaux intimes
January 16 — February 7, 2025
Co-presented with Fonderie Darling
Corpuscule Danse © Noire Mouliom

Corpuscule Danse is dedicated to developing and promoting inclusive dance based on the encounter between dancers with and without visible or invisible disabilities and is led artistically by Marie-Hélène Bellavance and Georges-Nicolas Tremblay, Corpuscule Danse shapes a better way of living together.

Dépaysement : les eaux intimes invites us to the Fonderie Darling to experience an immersive exhibition/installation punctuated by 4 performances.  For 3 weeks, open to the public, 5 creative performers, under the choreographic direction of Georges-Nicolas Tremblay, inhabit, deconstruct, dialogue, transform and leave traces in the environment created by visual artist Marie-Hélène Bellavance. Over the course of the days and performances, we, the audience, witness the transformation of an ecosystem and are invited to circulate and contribute to its metamorphosis.

'Under the themes of resilience and transformation, moving from the intimate to the collective, Dépaysement: les eaux intimes explores our interdependent links with others and our environment. An inclusive and sensory work that speaks of cycles, memories, everyday life and dreams, of knots that are tied and untied, of red, white... of life.'- Corpuscule Danse 

For Danse-Cité, the work of the company has been inspiring, impactful, constructive and even  instructive of creative future building in dance. 

Our partnership with Fonderie Darling, a venue renowned for its visual arts exhibitions and installations, provides an ideal setting for this cocreation exploring both bodies and materials from a new perspective.


About the artist


Practical Informations