December 08


December 11



Superheroes Cry Too

Presented By:



Ausgang Plaza


Superheroes Cry Too is an immersive experience that combines sound, performance, and visual media. This presentation reflects on superhero theories and the truths of our reality. It is a collection of performance solos and video projections powered by sound. The newly formed collective, FRGMNT, presents an unconventional way to experiencing artistic practices founded in Hip Hop music and street dance.

Performance Ja James ‘Jigsaw’ Britton Johnson, Victoria ‘VicVersa’ Mackenzie, Nubian Néné,  Mukoma-K. ‘J. Style’ Nshinga, Richard ‘Shash’U’ St-Aubin.  

Artistic co-direction Céline ‘ezzeC’ Richard-Robichon — Dance, visual arts and installation Richard ‘Shash’U’ St-Aubin  —  Sound, visual arts and installation

Collaborators Jessy Colucci/Process Visual — Costumes design, installation and photographer Tim Rodrigues — Lighting design Frédérique ‘Pax’ Dumas — Creative documentarian Rahime ‘NOSB’ Gay-Labbé — Set design/builder Nindy Banks — Outside eyes Sasha Bissonnette — Author/Dialog Frédérique Rodier, Jontae McCrory — Artists/ Dancers (Videos projection)  Claude Malenfant — Research and resource

Video — Céline "ezzeC" Richard Robichon + Ja James ‘Jigsaw’ Britton Johnson Images — Do Phan Hoi, Jessy Colucci

Partners and supports for creation  — CCOV, Centre d'Art Diane Dufresne, Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique, Diagramme/Studio Solidaires, Espace 100Lux, Art neuf, MAI | Montréal, arts interculturels, Place des Arts, Studio 303

The creation of this work was made possible thanks to the financial support of: Conseil des arts de Montréal, Conseil des arts du Canada

A presentation Danse-Cité A coproduction FRGMNT & Danse-Cité